My Friends

My Family
My Friends

If never met these people, my days would be dull, I would have no excitement what so ever, and I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. So I wanna dedicate this page to these people that have been there with me through everything life has thrown at us. I love you guys.



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Derek and Ivan.  What can I say except that they are the perfect example of what best friends should be.  It might seem odd for a girl to say her best friends are two guys but that's just the way it is.  I've know these guys since middle school and ever since then we have been nothing less than friends.  They always watch out for me and they've helped me when I thought times were unbearable.  They've always been the people I can run to in a time of need and I wouldn't have to worry about being turned away.  Of course, we've had some rough times during our friendship, but we always manage to overcome that.  I just want these guys to know that if I had never met them I would have never made it to where I am now and I would not be the same person that I am today.  I want to thank you guys for always being there for me.


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The Seniors:Yesenia/Ariana/Vanessa/Nayeli
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The Juniors: Karissa/Priscilla/Clarissa

What brought us together is our love for dance, but what has kept us together is our friendship. These girls have a little bit of ever good quality that can brighten your day. They know how to make you laugh when your sad, mad, or happy. We have been through a lot together, like all those sleepless nights at officer camp because Karissa didn't want to get off the phone, all those times when Yesenia thought she was drowning in three feet of water, and all those discussions we had about "coloring" (insider). These girls mean the world to me, and I can't picture my life without you.

Only the people on this page know what this represents.  This represents the guy that has been in my life as long as all these other people have, and just like everybody else, he has a special place in my heart.  Even though we too have had our hard times, I'm glad that at least we still have a good relationship.  He's the only guy that can make me feel those butterflies in my stomach, get my palms all sweaty, make my heart race, and suddenly forget my name without even trying.  People might say that I'm dumb for even talking to him, but they don't know the whole story between him and I.